link on JianShu
how to clean cache in yarn
yarn cache clean
安装下面的 操作在Window环境下执行OK了。没想到在Mac环境上反而出了问题。
git clone
cd desktop-app
yarn install
yarn electron:serve
一开始是yarn install
时无法下载,这个问题多试几次基本就OK了。 最终编译通过,启动时却报错——
link on JianShu
关于 FCoin 事件的失误和清白
link on JianShu
最后也没有解决掉- -||
export https_proxy= http_proxy= all_proxy=socks5://
git config --global is stored in ~/.gitconfig
local config settings is in ./.git/config.
To remove a configuration, e.g. run git config --global --unset core.gitproxy.
link on JianShu
Rewriting the history is done with “git filter-branch” by walking through the complete history. For each commit, filters are applied after which the changes are re-committed. The different filters allow modifying different parts of the commit.
The following uses “git filter-branch” to filter the history. Instead of manipulating the files to be recommitted like explained in Remove files from git history, this command uses the “–env-filter” to alter the environment in which the re-committing statement takes place.
link on JianShu
直接打包ios-app时提示类似:Xcode, Pods ProjectName.debug.xcconfig unable to open file. Wrong directory问题。