白表:个人 黄表:机构
Please use this form if you want the Hong Kong Offer Shares to be issued in your name 如 閣下欲以本身名義登記將獲發行的香港發售股份,請使用本表格
Please use this form if you want the Hong Kong Offer Shares to be issued in your name How to make your application
- Use the table below to calculate how much you must pay. Your application must be for a minimum of 1,000 Hong Kong Offer Shares and in one of the numbers set out in the table, or your application will be rejected.
Please use this form if you want the Hong Kong Offer Shares to be issued in the name of HKSCC Nominees Limited (“HKSCC Nominees”) and deposited directly into the Central Clearing and Settlement System (“CCASS”) for credit to your CCASS Investor Participant stock account or the stock account of your designated CCASS Participant如 閣下欲以香港中央結算(代理人)有限公司(「香港結算代理人」)的名義登記將獲發行的香港發售股份,並直接存入中央結算及交收系統(「中央結算系統」),以記存於 閣下的中央結算系統投資者戶口持有人股份戶口或 閣下指定的中央結算系統參與者股份戶口,請使用本表格